Tarot, Angel and Chakra readings
Please select how many cards you would like your tarot reading to contain and which type of reading you would like, we currently offer relationship, general, chakra or career, we can also ask specific questions but we would need you to contact us first with your question before purchasing. We do not answer questions about health, legal, pregnancy or third party.
We also offer pendulum readings of 5 or 10 questions ( we would need these sent via message or if we dont receive any after 24 hours we will go ahead with the reading but it may not be as accurate.)
Angel Cards 3 Card Reading, this will be a general reading unless otherwise stated, and our newest addition is:
Full Chakra readings by Jenny, this is an in depth look at what chakras may need to be cleared. A description of each chakra that she draws from you, which acn be very lengthy and messages from the Universe that you can use your chakras to manifest.
We also have a wide range of other cards including Angel Cards, Archangel Cards, and much much more.
Please note by law we must state all readings are for entertainment purposes.