Crystal care

When you are not using your crystals keep them in silk or velvet pouches if possible, this is to prevent damage or scratches and to protect the crystals from absorbing foreign energies. You should always cleanse new crystals or jewelry that you buy as they may be holding negative vibes from others. (Unless it is stated that the crystals have been cleansed and energized for you). It is also advisable to cleanse Crystals you have been using for some time, or even ones that have been sitting around as they will have absorbed different energies and emotions into them. It is important to regularly cleanse your crystals.

How to cleanse your Crystals-

There are a few different methods you can use to cleanse your Crystals which I will outline below. 

*Salt water-

Crystal that are not fragile can be can be submerged in either sea salt water or water mixed with sea salt. (Cooking salt can be used if sea salt is not available). Using a glass bowl (not metal) fully submerge your crystals for between 1 and 24 hours, for a deeper cleanse Crystals can be left for up to one week. When you are finished with the salt water it must be flushed away as it has absorbed the negative energies. 

*The Sun or Moon-

Place your Crystals , pendulums or jewelry in a place where they will be fully exposed to the rays of the sun or moon. The rays of the sun or moon will energize the stones and they will usually be cleansed within 24 hours of exposure.

*Smudging with sage

Light a sage smudge stick or dried sage leaves and burn it til a good strong smoke is coming from your sage. Hold the item to be cleansed in this smoke for at least one minute, preferably three or four minutes. This cleanses the item but does not re-energize it.